
Alternative To Sisense: A Better Way To Deliver Embedded Analytics

Sisense's reporting and visualization options are limited. Maintaining Elasticubes is labor-intensive, making embedded analytics even more costly and effortful. Holistics is here to change that, with diverse visualizations and versatile reporting capabilities.

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A key to empowering everyone

Empower Your Partners

Empower Your Partners

Provide analytics to your clients, with each client can only see analytics related to their own data

High Security

High Security

Secure viewership of permitted data, with HMAC 256 hashing for secured tokens

Easy To Integrate

Easy To Integrate

As easy to embed into your application, as embedding a YouTube video!

Interactive Visualizations

Embedded data exploration, where your customers need it.

Allow business users to self-serve insights with cross-filtering, drill-down, and drill-through.

Dynamic Row Level Permission

With dynamic row-level permission, your customers explore their data without compromising security and data access.

Dashboard As Code

Customize your dashboards with full control over content, layout, design, and aesthetics.

Turn your dashboards into a narrative report, an embedded presentation, a landing page, or any format that leaves your embedded viewers in awe.

Dashboards As Reusable Templates

No more manually recreating new dashboards for every new client.

Parameterize your reporting widgets using variables, and reuse them anytime, anywhere.

How It Works

Embedded Analytics helps you create external dashboards for partners/customers to interact with as part of your own application, without compromising data access and security within 3 steps:

  • 1. Setup Report/Dashboard Settings
  • 2. Embed your Report/Dashboard
  • 3. Share it with your customers.
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Free Trial Live Demo

Free 14 day trial. No credit card required.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Embedded Analytics work?

Embedded Analytics allows you to integrate analytics into your own web application (via an iframe) so that your clients can view the reports / analytics related to their data.

Still unclear? Schedule a Demo with us.

How do you make sure each of my client can only see their data?

Each client will come with a client_id. And we filter the data by this client_id to make sure each client can only see their own data.

The client_id is also securely encrypted so that no client can hijacks and see other client's data.

Do I need to upload my data to your platform?

No. We know your database contains your most sensitive data, which is why Holistics is designed to work directly with your database, and not store any of your database data.

What is your pricing like?

With Holistics's Embedded Analytics, you get unlimited viewers. Learn more here with us for more information.

How long does it take to set it up?

Typically anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, with very little engineering effort on your side.

What backend languages do you support?

Any language!

We also have sample code in Ruby, Python, NodeJS, PHP, Elixir, etc.. to help you get started quickly.