Gartner's FrontRunners 2020 Ranks Holistics As Top 3 Data Analysis Tools By Customer Satisfaction
Holistics was ranked one of the top 3 data analysis tools globally by Gartner's FrontRunners 2020 report, in terms of Customer Satisfaction. Only 20 out of 176 software products considered were selected for this list.

We are proud to share that Holistics has been listed by Gartner's FrontRunners 2020 report as one of the top data analysis tools, globally. Holistics has been listed by Gartner's FrontRunners as a top data tool since 2018.
Holistics was placed #3 in terms of Customer Satisfaction. Only 20 data analysis software tools, with top scores for Usability and Customer Satisfaction, were selected as FrontRunners.

Access the FrontRunners 2020 report for top data analysis tools here.
176 software products in total were considered for the list, of which only 20 top scoring tools were selected. Shortlisted tools for the FrontRunners report are based upon user reviews scored on the following criteria:
- Functionality: End-user ratings on “Functionality.” This accounts for 50% of the total Usability score.
- Ease-of-Use: End-user ratings on “Ease-of-use.” This accounts for 50% of the total Usability score.
- Value for Money: End-user ratings on how valuable users consider the product to be relative to its price. This accounts for 25% of the total Customer Satisfaction score.
- Likelihood to Recommend: End-user ratings on how likely they are to recommend the product to others. This accounts for 25% of the total Customer Satisfaction score.
- Customer Support: End-user ratings on the product’s customer support. This accounts for 50% of the total Customer Satisfaction score.
More information on the FrontRunners report scoring methodology can be found here.
Our team recognizes that the nature of decision making has changed, in a digital age. We are glad that our efforts to develop a data platform for the modern organization are being acknowledged internationally, and we are proud to keep raising the bar for analytics!
Customers have this to say about Holistics:
- "We have been able to scale operational reporting and decision making because of Holistics." - Amrt Sagar, Director of Operations
- "I can say that we're really very happy with our experience with Holistics, and it's one of our crack tools that we refer to on a regular basis during the day." - Ashwin Jeyapalasingam, Cofounder & COO
- "Holistics is the solution to the increasingly many and complex data requests from the operational teams – reports can be shared across different functions and regions without compromising data security." - Tang Yee Jie, Senior Data Analyst
Companies are using Holistics to orchestrate their full DataOps and business intelligence (BI) processes, to achieve easier maintainability of their analytics setups for a truly self-service data experience.
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